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Something that has been blowing my mind lately... nutrigenomics... ever heard of it? It is a fairly newer field of research that studies the influence nutrition has on our genes.

Did you know our lifestyle impacts more than 50% of our health? Our nutrition plays a major role! Genes 🧬 can be turned on or off by what we choose to eat... eating well can turn on the good genes and turn off the bad genes. WOW!

Australian researchers wanted to know what effect these capsules had on gene expression & they found that over 1,600 genes were changed after just 8 weeks of putting these beautiful plant capsules into the body every day!

The message is simple, good nutrition from the rainbow of fruits & vegetables is proven to be an important component to good health. We know this, but it isn’t always easy to accomplish every single day...

This is just one of the many reasons why I have taken these capsules every day for years - to bridge the gap. How amazing is it that the most simple solution ever is turning ON the good genes and OFF the bad genes inside?!? Are YOU ready to implement these beauties into your day?! ❤️💚💜🧡

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