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"How do they fit all those fruits and vegetables in a capsule?”
There are a lot of myths surrounding powdered produce, so I want to clear things up a bit today.

It may seem crazy to think 30 fruits and veggies can fit into a capsule, but when you break it down, it’s not so crazy after all.
Imagine trying to fit a tomato in a small plastic cup. It’s only possible if you blend the tomato. And the amazing thing is the whole food is still there. Its structure has just changed. Well...a tomato is 94% water. What if all the water is removed from the blended tomato? The remaining powder would easily fit inside a capsule, along with many other fruits and vegetables. 🙌🏻 When you drink 💧 with powdered produce capsules they rehydrate in your body, and the whole food is still whole! 🍅

A similar myth, is that muscles are mostly protein. Many people would believe this. But they would be wrong! Muscle is 79% water. So if you want to bulk up, adequate water intake is essential! 💪🏻

When I learned that fresh fruits and veggies are mostly water, this made so much sense. So here I am, 6.5 years later, still eating 30 fruits and veggies a day in encapsulated powdered produce form! Because, let’s be honest....most of us just can’t, don’t or won’t eat 10-13 servings of fruits & veggies daily!

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