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Sometimes, when I tell people about our vegan whole food capsules
they say:
1️⃣ “I already eat a lot of 🍎 🍌 🍓🥦 🥒”
2️⃣” Why not just eat more 🍅 🌱🥗🥕?”

To the first I say perfect you have a great start!

To the second I say Yes! We should!

We need as much nutrition as we can get in this increasingly toxic world we live in & it’s nearly impossible to EAT enough antioxidants, phytonutrients & micronutrients to be our healthiest selves.

Here’s what I DO know.

There’s nothing that better nutrition won’t help...
There’s nothing that poor nutrition helps.
Almost no one is getting enough.

We need 16-18 servings daily

I also know that traditional multivitamins have NOT been proven to work in the body. But do you know what does? Whole food!

The body knows what do with WHOLE FOOD nutrients which exist in food.
So why not find a way to take the most nutritious foods and preserve the nutrients in their original composition?


We have research showing that they:
•Delivers fruit and vegetable nutrition that gets INTO the blood stream where it does our bodies good.
•Significantly increases micronutrient and antioxidant levels in the blood stream.
•Improves immune function – decreases COLD and FLU symptoms.
•Increases cells involved in healing.
•Decreases cells involved in auto-immunity.
•Decreases DNA damage.
•Decreases Free Radical Damage and Oxidative stress.
•Decreases Homocysteine.
•Decreases Oxidized LDL Cholesterol.
•Improves Insulin Resistance & triglycerides.
•supports a healthy pregnancy.
•Improves hydration, thickness, microcirculation of skin.
•Helps dental health.
•Improves folate levels.
•Decreases Inflammation.
•Supports the quality of life and protein status in cancer patients.
•Reduces inflammation, decreases oxidation and muscle damage in athletes.
•Protects circulation and cardiovascular health.
•Improves Pulmonary/Lung function.
•Alters Genes is a Positive way
•Turns on your GOOD genes and turns OFF bad genes. Hello nutrigenomics!!

Sometimes the simplest solution is also the best solution.
This is simple, it’s for the entire family and it’s affordable. Are you ready for me to help your family get started? I can't wait to hear from you!

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