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The CDC and the Produce for Better Health Foundation have launched a national campaign with the message, "Fruits & Veggies -- More Matters."

The vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables contribute significantly to your health! Both are typically low in calories, sodium, and fat while offering vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

Why are these nutrients so important? Potassium maintains your blood pressure. Fiber contributes to reducing your cholesterol, reducing heart disease and deducing the risk of colon cancer. Vitamin C helps you heal from wounds, makes your gums and teeth healthier, and promotes the absorption of iron. Additionally, folate-rich foods prevent birth defects and build red blood cells, and vitamin A gives you healthy skin and eyes.

I definitely do NOT eat the recommended 7-13 servings, so I take plant powders, in a capsule, to help me out. They carry a nutrition label, NSF certification and have 41 published medical studies. I do not miss a day!! Your health is important and I'm happy to help!

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