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Let's talk about THE BEST gift this holiday season!! And YES this is going to sound cliché BUT it's 100% true! It's a gift that just keeps on giving!!

Think about this...If you spend $12 per week on produce, you're paying for a Tower Garden!️ Think about what having an indoor Tower could do for your family this winter?? The growing potential is ENDLESS!!
🌱 No dirt
🌱 Saves 90% water
🌱 Uses 10% of the space
🌱 No more waste from throwing out food you didn't eat in time
🌱 You control what's on YOUR FOOD!! No chemicals!
🌱 Equal nutrient density while soil quality is depleting
🌱 Grows faster and larger than soil grown
Your Tower order comes with EVERYTHING you need including grow lights to get you started from day one!! Once you plant into your Tower, you will be ready to harvest in few short weeks! It's that quick!
This is more than a gift, it's an investment in your health!! YOU ARE WORTH IT!! Don't ever forget that! ❤️

bestgiftever #justsaying #takecontrolofyourfood #growgoodhealth #towertotable

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