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I’m a natural seller. I used to say “sharer” but I’ve grown up and matured and realize that I sell things everyday. Guess what? You sell things too. If you have influence in other people’s life then most likely you’re selling them something.

I “sell” my expectations and belief to my kids and my husband. I “sell” things at the grocery store every time I recommend something amazing that I’ve found. I “sell” books and podcasts that impact me. I "sell" the BEST movies or Netflix series.

Well, I also sell Juice Plus+ because I believe in it wholeheartedly as it changes people’s health. Selling is seeing a need and meeting a need. It’s about relationships. It's about being brave enough to share a message you believe in and YES, I am PROUD of what I do everyday!

So thank you to all my people who trust me knowing I share with passion and purpose! I love knowing that I make a difference.❤️

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