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At the start of every new school year, the world talks about immune health!! SO...let's talk about it! Our immune system protects our body from outside invaders, like bacteria, viruses, toxins and more. Think of your immune system as just that...a SYSTEM, not just a single entity. Research on diet, exercise, age, psychological stress and other factors on immune health have been on going for years. Overall, a good way to help give your immune system the upper hand is to adopt healthy living strategies!

  • Better sleep
  • Consistent exercise
  • Reduce stress
  • Drinking plenty of water

Know what one of the most important ways to support your immune system is? Eating more fruits and vegetables! Read that again! Eating more fruits and vegetables can help support and balance your immune system. Sounds so simple right? WELL, if you look at the standard American diet, fruits and veggies are not always top of the list. How many fruits and veggies do you eat each day?

Enter Juice Plus+!! There are 4 gold standard, clinical research studies showing the benefits that Juice Plus+ has on supporting a healthy immune system. There are 21 studies showing increased blood levels of important antioxidants and plant nutrients when taking Juice Plus+ each day!

Summary...A healthy lifestyle, a diet rich in plant based nutrition and bridging the nutritional gap by adding Juice Plus+ each day, can help support your immune system this school year and all year long! And friends, supporting your immune system is just ONE of the MANY things Juice Plus+ has been clinically proven to do in your body! Just saying!

Best part, your kiddos get their Juice Plus+ for FREE!

If you've been thinking about this for a while, there is no better time than now to say YES! Saying yes to this product is one of the best decisions I've made for my family! You ready?

No matter what, we are all in this together! Back to school 2020, we've got this!

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