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I'm excited to kick off “All Things Back To School” this morning!! Listen, there is so much going on right now with what families are choosing to do with their kiddos going back to school. Whatever you are choosing for your family, I see you and I appreciate your choice.

There are so many theories around wearing masks, but if your child is getting ready to return to in-person classes soon, they will most likely be required to wear a mask for most of the school day. NO, this is NOT a typical back to school supply but it is an important one if your kids are going to in-person school this year.

Some tips for your kids to know about handling their mask:
When putting on or taking off your mask, you should only handle it by the ear loops or ties and should never touch the outside of the mask itself.

When taking the mask off, it should be folded in half and placed somewhere safe (ie. on a clean paper towel or in a brown paper bag).

Since masks should be washed before being worn again, you should have at least one mask for each day of the week and an extra in their backpack just in case something happens to the first one.

What kind of masks are best? That’s completely up to you!! You can of course get disposable face masks that you throw away after each school day or you can get cloth masks that you wash each day. Both are effective but an important thing is that you find a mask that is comfortable for your kiddos to wear over the course of the school day.

Here are some links to find face masks for your kids…
Cloth Mask Options:

Disposable Mask Options:

This is not how any of us expected our school year to be but together, we will figure this out! Back to school 2020, WE’VE GOT THIS!

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