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It's SNACK TIME!! No matter if your children are snacking in school or at home, make every snack count! If you are virtual learning, it's recommended to set up scheduled snack time each day so your kids can take a break and refuel their body!

Snacks don't always have to be in a package and stored in the cabinet. Snacks can also live in the fridge and have a ton of nutritional value! But, what are the best snacks to help kids stay focused while learning from home? GREAT QUESTION!!

The brain needs a ton of fuel to help kids stay focused throughout the day, but not just any fuel will do! Eating a good combination of nutrients will help with both short and long term brain function.

Top Tip: Set up at home snack stations for your children. Have a cabinet snack station AND a fridge snack station (a bin in each place that is designated for each child's snack). That way you have a good combination of healthy snacks readily available to your kids when it's snack time!

Below are some foods that you can try when your kids are virtual learning.

1- Berries are packed with antioxidants that help in so many ways!!
Berries have many positive effects on the brain, including:

*Improving communication between brain cells
*Increasing plasticity, which helps brain cells form new connections, thus boosting learning and memory

Simple Snack ideas: Frozen blueberries, berry-yogurt parfait, silver dollar blueberry pancakes

2- Nuts and seeds have a TON of brain health benefits. They not only contain antioxidants, but they are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids!

Simple Snack ideas: Apples or celery with almond butter, trail mix with pumpkin seeds, peanut butter and banana quesadilla

3- Avocados are rich in vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The benefits of avocados are endless. They can protect the brain from free radicals and indirectly help with antioxidant absorption and improve blood flow to the brain.

Simple Snack ideas: Avocado toast, avocado smoothie, turkey avocado roll-up, guacamole

What are some of your favorite healthy snack ideas when your kids are virtual learning?

Always remember that we are all in this together. Back to school 2020, we've got this!

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