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Today is all about you! Yup you heard me it’s time to focus on the mammas!! All the back to school talk this year has raised anxiety levels for sure. We are trying to keep our kids as safe as possible, but when we get stressed it lowers our immune system, makes us susceptible to getting sick, reduces our energy levels, and frankly makes us a cranky mom. So, here are a few tips that you can implement into your day to focus on YOU!

· Start your day alone – I know, easier said than done for sure. Trust me, focusing on YOU before the whole family is up is a game changer!! Even carving out just 15 minutes of alone time to start your day and do something for yourself is HUGE. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier if you have to (trust me it’s worth it). You can do a meditation, read a book, enjoy your coffee all alone, focus on 3 things you’re grateful for, or simply go to the bathroom without anyone calling your name lol. When you start by focusing on you, you show up as a better version of yourself.

· Move your body – no time to work out, that’s ok. Take your lunch break outside and go for a walk while the weather is still great, have a dance party with the kids, do 5 minutes of yoga stretches, go for a bike ride etc.

· Breathe – Yes, I know you are breathing otherwise you would not be alive, but do you really stop and focus on your breath? Ever try the 4-7-8 technique? It works wonders. Take a deep breath for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7 counts, and exhale slowly for 8 counts. It will help you relax, Dr. Weil has even described it as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. Here’s what I love about it- you can do anywhere at any time, while you are stopped at a traffic light dropping kids off at school or at a big meeting at work.

· Find something that brings you joy and DO IT!! Stop saying you don’t have time. It’s the little things that make us happy and I promise, you have time for them. Light a candle, treat yourself to your favorite cup of tea, blast your favorite music in the car or at home, get out of the office and into nature on your lunch break, take a 15-minute time out and read.

Here’s the message I want you to walk away with. Self-care is NOT selfish. In fact, it’s the opposite of selfish. When you take care of yourself you magically show up as a better YOU for everyone else!!

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