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Hi {{firstName}}! Checking in to see if your JP+ has arrived?

A little tip: Keep a daily journal of how you are feeling these first few weeks so you can look back and see some of the changes you are experiencing. Some of the immediate, positive things we hear include better sleep, more energy, better bathroom habits 😳, better workout recovery, craving better foods and more! I'm excited to hear about how Juice Plus+ is helping you. But remember, you can't always "FEEL" prevention! Just know you are doing GREAT things for your body!

I would also love to add you to my Healthy Living Community Facebook group. In that space, we share tips to help you raise the bar on your health like new recipes, at home workouts, effective morning routines, healthy mindset tips, personal development and so much more. Let me know if you want to be added to that group and I will make it happen. I know you would love it!

(Your Name Here)

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